Adult Arrested Adult Death Child Death (18 and Under) Georgia Illinois Ongoing Investigation


In Columbus, Georgia, a three-year old was shot and killed under circumstances that have not been described, but which authorities say are likely to be ruled accidental.  No follow-up news stories appeared in the first five days following the incident. In Chicago, Illinois, a security guard who had been shot in the leg in a …

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Adult Injury Illinois No Charges Filed Ongoing Investigation Wisconsin


Police reported accidental shootings today in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Chicago, Illinois, two American cities already notably suffering from the ongoing pandemic of gun violence. In Milwaukee, a 69-year old woman was struck by a random round fired outside her home.  Her suffered serious injuries, but is in stable condition at the hospital according to a …

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Adult Death Child Death (18 and Under) Illinois Missouri Ongoing Investigation Texas


There were accidental shooting deaths today in Beaumont, Texas, where  an 18-year old boy died at home and in Kansas City, Missouri, where a woman died on the street.  Few details were reported. And in Clark County, Illinois, a child accidentally shot their father while the two were walking in the woods. Sheriff’s deputies called …

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Child Injury (18 and Under) Child Under 18 (as Shooter) Illinois Maryland Ohio Ongoing Investigation Pennsylvania Texas Washington Wisconsin


The epidemic of gun violence affecting the nation’s children continued unabated today. In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a 6-year old found a loaded gun in his home and shot himself in the hand.  He is in stable condition at the hospital. Also today, at least eleven teenagers were shot and injured in separate episodes of gun violence.  …

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Child Death (18 and Under) Child Under 18 (as Shooter) Illinois Ongoing Investigation


In the latest incident in a rash of accidental shootings involving young children this week, Makayla McKay, a four-year old Chicago, Illinois girl was shot and killed by another child inside her home.  “It was an accident,” a Police Superintendent said. “A visiting relative brought a gun to visit inside the home. It was in …

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Alabama Child Death (18 and Under) Child Injury (18 and Under) Child Under 18 (as Shooter) Connecticut Illinois Kentucky Michigan Missouri New York Ongoing Investigation Utah Wisconsin

TUESDAY, JULY 27, 2021

Once again, the focus today is on the rash of gun violence affecting American children. Three toddlers were shot in apparent gun accidents today.  At least ten teenagers were also killed or injured in eight shootings across the country. Two four-year olds and a three-year old were involved in gun accidents that were barely covered …

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Child Injury (18 and Under) Children and Guns Delaware Illinois Iowa Louisiana New York Ohio Ongoing Investigation Pennsylvania

MONDAY, JULY 26, 2021

At least eight teenagers were injured in eight separate shooting incidents in the United States today. In light of minimal reporting, the circumstances of most of the incidents remain murky. Teens were shot in Chicago and Decatur, Illinois.  The other incidents occurred in Iowa, Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, Louisiana and Delaware.  As reported, the incidents …

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Alabama Child Injury (18 and Under) Child Under 18 (as Shooter) Illinois Maryland No Charges Filed Oklahoma Ongoing Investigation South Carolina


At least three toddlers and two teenagers were injured in gun accidents today.  The reported details of most of the incidents are limited or murky.  In Birmingham, Alabama, a two-year old apparently shot himself inside a vehicle at a gas station.  The news story implies that the child found a gun in the car, perhaps …

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Adult Injury Child Death (18 and Under) Child Under 18 (as Shooter) Illinois New Hampshire Ongoing Investigation

FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 2021

A child, believed to be 6 or 7 years old, shot themselves in their Burbank, Illinois home today, sometime in the mid-afternoon. No details of the circumstances of the accident were released. In Milton, New Hampshire a 32-year old man was shot in the head by his 8-year old nephew while hunting chipmunks.  “It’s not …

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Adult Injury Child Injury (18 and Under) Child Under 18 (as Shooter) Illinois Juvenile Arrested North Carolina Ongoing Investigation

FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 2021

Two women were severely injured today when men they were with mishandled guns.  An 18-year old Danville, Illinois woman is in stable condition after she was accidentally shot in the chest by her 16-year old boyfriend who mishandled a handgun. The boyfriend was taken into custody on charges of reckless discharge of a firearm and …

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Adult Arrested Adult Death Adult Injury Child Injury (18 and Under) Connecticut Illinois Kansas Massachusetts No Charges Filed Ongoing Investigation Texas


All over the country today, people were injured, in some cases critically, in gun accidents.  The available news reports make it difficult to separate those who were engaged in unsafe practices from those who were injured based on lack of safety features on their guns.  In most cases, accidents can presumably be attributed to both …

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Child Death (18 and Under) Child Under 18 (as Shooter) Illinois


For the second day in a row, a two-year old toddler got hold of and fired a loaded gun.  In this instance, a Joliet, Illinois toddler shot herself.  According to the local police, she “unfortunately succumbed” to her injuries.  No other information is available. Source: “2-Year-Old Child Dies of Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound in Joliet, Police …

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Adult Death Adult Injury Child Injury (18 and Under) Child Under 18 (as Shooter) Florida Illinois Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Michigan Ohio Ongoing Investigation


In Akron, Ohio, a 13-year old boy accidentally shot a 15-year old girl.  The boy was handling a gun in the back seat of a car when it fired.  The round passed through a seat and struck the girl who suffered non-life threatening injuries. Also today, more than 10 innocent bystanders were shot in gun …

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Adult Arrested California Child Injury (18 and Under) Child Under 18 (as Shooter) Children and Guns Illinois No Charges Filed

FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 2021

Two three-year old boys gained access to loaded handguns in separate accidents and shot themselves.  Available reporting suggests that the parents were treated differently after the two incidents. Neither report suggests that police are asking why gun manufacturers are allowed to make guns that a three-year old can fire.  In Bakersfield, California, 29-year old Shawndel …

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Child Injury (18 and Under) Illinois Montana New Hampshire No Charges Filed Ongoing Investigation Tennessee

SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 2021

13-year old children in Illinois and Tennessee were innocent victims of gun violence today.  Both were innocent bystanders when gunfights broke out between others on the street.  These incidents are part of an epidemic of innocent bystander shootings associated with a national increase in gun violence. The Chicago, Illinois victim and a man he was …

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Adult Arrested Alabama Child Death (18 and Under) Child Injury (18 and Under) Child Under 18 (as Shooter) Illinois No Charges Filed Ongoing Investigation Uncategorized Wisconsin


Three children under age 10 shot themselves today. In Chicago, Illinois, three boys left home alone while their father was picking up their mother from the hospital found a loaded gun.  One of the boys, a five-year old, accidentally shot his nine-year old brother in the head.  The boy, Ashton Lipscomb, died at the hospital.  …

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Child Injury (18 and Under) Child Under 18 (as Shooter) Illinois Ongoing Investigation


A three-year old in Springfield, Illinois apparently found a loaded unsecured firearm and shot himself.  The child’s injuries are not believed to be life threatening. This gun accident occurred in the home of a relative who is not the child’s legal guardian. According to the report, the relative was the legally licensed owner of the …

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Child Death (18 and Under) Illinois Ongoing Investigation


In Peoria, Illinois, an eight-year old boy died in an accident that, according to police, involved “children handling a gun.”  Jordin Wilson was taken to the hospital after being struck with a bullet in the chest.  He died while being treated.  Police are continuing to investigate. Source: Andy Kravetz, “8-year-old Boy Identified in Accidental Shooting,” …

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Child Injury (18 and Under) Child Under 18 (as Shooter) Illinois Ongoing Investigation Texas


On Valentine’s Day, four young children were shot and injured in their homes by other children.  Three children were shot in two incidents in Chicago, Illinois.  The other incident occurred in Dallas, Texas. An eight-year old boy and a 12-year old girl were both shot in Chicago’s Bronzeville neighborhood on the South Side by another …

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