Adult Arrested Adult Death Adult Injury Child Injury (18 and Under) Child Under 18 (as Shooter) Florida Minnesota No Charges Filed Virginia


Gun Accidents Kill One and Injure Two Others, Including a 4-year-old Shot by Her Younger Brother

A 4-year-old girl in Miami, Florida, was shot in the head by her 3-year-old brother. The girl was taken to the hospital where, according to a police spokesman, she is “fighting for her life.” Her mother’s boyfriend, Quavanta Ennels, 25, left his Taurus 9 mm pistol unattended in a backpack where the 3-year-old found it. Ennels has been charged with felon in possession of a firearm, with possible additional charges pending.

In McLean, Virginia, Alexander Roy, a 25-year-old off-duty US Park Police officer accidentally shot and killed another officer, 22-year-old Jesse Brown Hernandez. Roy was trying to dry fire a gun that he believed to be unloaded when it fired, killing Hernandez. Alcohol appears to be a factor in the shooting. Roy has been charged with involuntary manslaughter. A neighbor said, “[i]f they can’t have proper gun safety then what does that say for everybody else?”

And in Ponsford, Minnesota, 40-year-old Jeremy Sailor was unintentionally shot in the hip by his hunting partner. He was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. The partner was checking to see if his gun was unloaded, when it discharged, hitting Sailor. The sheriff’s office said since it appears to be an accident, there will be no further investigation.


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