Adult Death Adult Injury Montana Ongoing Investigation Oregon


Guide Killed in One of Two Hunting Accidents On private property in Halfway, Oregon, 73-year-old Leroy George Trautman’s rifle unintentionally discharged, killing his hunting guide, 62-year-old Jon Marshall Nichols. Trautman and another man were riding in a side-by-side with Nicholas, when they spotted a herd of elk and got out of the vehicle. Trautman’s rifle …

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Adult Injury Montana No Charges Filed Oklahoma Ongoing Investigation Pennsylvania


Gun Accidents Injure Three People In Jersey Shore, Pennsylvania, a man accidentally shot himself in the leg while he was disassembling his handgun. His injuries are not life-threatening. During the investigation, police discovered that the man’s firearm was a “ghost gun.” No charges have been filed at this time. While handling a pistol in Libby, …

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Adult Arrested Adult Injury Child Injury (18 and Under) Child Under 18 (as Shooter) Missouri Montana New Jersey No Charges Filed Ongoing Investigation


3-Year-Old Shot by Sibling After Finding Loaded Gun in a Drawer Two St. Louis, Missouri siblings found a loaded handgun in a dresser drawer in their home. One of the children shot the other, age 3. Police took the injured child to the hospital, where he is reported to be in serious condition. Markeith Mayo, …

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Adult Arrested Adult Injury Child Injury (18 and Under) Montana North Carolina Ongoing Investigation


A 34-year old Burlington, North Carolina woman was arrested for failing to secure a firearm “to protect a minor” after a 15-year old boy was accidentally shot.  The incident involved three children who gained access to the woman’s gun.  The boy was taken to the hospital with unspecified injuries. In Helena, Montana, a 68-year old …

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Child Injury (18 and Under) Illinois Montana New Hampshire No Charges Filed Ongoing Investigation Tennessee

SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 2021

13-year old children in Illinois and Tennessee were innocent victims of gun violence today.  Both were innocent bystanders when gunfights broke out between others on the street.  These incidents are part of an epidemic of innocent bystander shootings associated with a national increase in gun violence. The Chicago, Illinois victim and a man he was …

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Adult Arrested Adult Injury Alcohol and Guns Montana Wisconsin


As a society, we spend substantial resources trying to prevent accidents caused by drunken drivers.  Efforts include ubiquitous public service announcements, enhanced criminal and civil penalties, and legal remedies creating potential liability for those selling or otherwise providing alcohol to inebriated people.  Many of these efforts are designed to deter drunken driving by the in …

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