Adult Injury Michigan Ongoing Investigation


State Police Officer Injured When Gun in Purse Fires

In a Kalamazoo, Michigan Costco, the gun in the purse of an off-duty, state police officer, unintentionally fired striking her in the hand. Another person hurt their ankle during the incident, and a third person fainted, but it is unclear if either of them had been shot.

The officer legally owned the gun but may face charges for the discharge. “A person could be charged with reckless use of a firearm. If someone has recklessly carried, handled and discharged a firearm without due caution for the rights of safety or property, that’s a misdemeanor criminal offense,” said the prosecuting attorney. The shooting is being investigated.


Princess Jhané Stepherson, “Prosecuting Attorney Considers Charges After Off-duty Officer’s Gun Goes Off at Costco,” (September 16, 2024).

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