Adult Death Law Enforcement Action (At Time of Report) Ongoing Investigation Washington, DC


Police Officer Accidentally Shot and Killed Trying to Retrieve Gun

David Wayne

A 25 year veteran of the Washington, D.C. police force, Wayne David, age 51, died when a gun he was trying to retrieve from a storm drain unintentionally discharged. He was airlifted to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. 

Police had seen a man leaving a suspicious vehicle. When they tried to contact him he fled, and they saw him discard a firearm in a storm drain before escaping on the back of a motorcycle. The man was caught on security cameras, and police are asking the public to help identify him as they continue to investigate.

The police chief said David worked primarily in the Violent Crimes Suppression Unit where he was expert in the dangerous work of recovering firearms. “We know the risk that it takes to do this job but yet at the same time these officers are resilient, and they get up every single day to do this job,” said the chief. Friends remember his kindness and generosity. “…You could always count on him….[h]e’d take the shirt off his back and give it to you if you asked him for it. Just a great guy,” said his friend.


Susan Baek, “D.C. Police Officer Fatally Shot When Gun He Tried to Retrieve from Storm Drain Goes Off,” (August 29, 2024).

Jay Korff, Carl Willis, “Fallen MPD Officer Wayne David Remembered for his Poise, Professionalism, and Kindness,” (August 29, 2024).

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