In Niles Ohio, an 11-year old girl was accidentally shot at a house party. Local police say that underage drinking and negligence factored into the incident. Three people were arrested and charged in the shooting, including two juveniles. The victim was not drinking and “the negligence pertains to other juveniles present and the adult that was charged,” said a police captain. The adult was charged with providing alcohol to children, one of whom had apparently brought a loaded gun to the party.
In Little Rock, Arkansas, a teenager was shot and injured when he a sibling were playing with a loaded gun. The extent of the boy’s injuries were not reported. Nor was it reported how he and his sibling got the gun.
Noelle Haynes, “New Details: Juvenile Shooting Accidental, Underage Drinking Suspected: Police,” (October 30, 2022).
Brandon Ringo, “LRPD: Teen Shot by Brother as Pair Were ‘Playing’ With Gun,” (October 28, 2022).