In Manhattan, New York, a newly commissioned off-duty New Jersey trooper accidentally fired a round on a Penn Station train platform while adjusting his holster. He shot himself once in the leg and was treated at the hospital. No word about whether the gun had a manual safety and whether it was deployed.
There were also two notable stories about children who injured themselves with guns found in their homes:
- For the second day in a row, a Fresno, California child found a gun in his home and shot himself. In this case, an eight-year old shot himself in the hand and is expected to survive. Yesterday, a Fresno three-year old shot and killed himself with his father’s gun.
- And continuing a pattern of accidental shootings by children in and around Columbus, Ohio, a 14-year old found his father’s handgun in his home there and accidentally shot an 11-year old relative in the stomach. The 11-year old is expected to survive.
Joshua Rhett Miller, “Off-duty NJ Trooper Accidentally Shoots Self Inside Penn Station,” New York Post (June 28, 2021).
Larry Valenzuela “8-year-old Hospitalized after Accidentally Shooting Self in Fresno Home,” The Fresno Bee (June 27, 2021).
“Police: 11-year-old Boy Injured in Accidental Shooting in North Columbus,” 10 WBNS (June 28, 2021).