In Gloucester, Massachusetts, a man with many guns in his apartment accidentally fired one of them through a wall and into his neighbor’s apartment unit. No one was injured.
According to a report, investigating officers found a Remington 1100 12G Supermatic, a Remington 1100 20G, a Browning .22 long rifle, a Glock 19 9mm, a Beretta .22, and a Ruger .38-caliber in the man’s apartment. The last is the weapon that discharged. The man told police “that he was going over all the weapons and putting them away when the gun went off.” He said he wasn’t sure what happened.
The officer’s report says “it appears the gun discharge was a pure accident.”
Taylor Ann Bradford “Police/Fire: Gun Round Goes Through Apartment Wall,” Gloucester Daily Times (January 13, 2020).