In the tiny town of Somersworth, New Hampshire, two men, Raymond Picard and Joshua Conley, were charged with felonies for accidental discharge of their firearms in unrelated incidents. Somersworth has a total population of just 11,754.
In the first incident, a 53-year old man was shot in the chest and taken to the hospital. He is in stable condition. Picard was reportedly unloading a pistol near the victim when it fired.
In the other, a 27-year old man was handling his handgun in his home when it fired. The round passed into a wall shared with an adjacent apartment. Although his neighbors were home at the time, no one was injured.
Both men have been charged with reckless conduct with a deadly weapon.
Kimberley Haas, “Two Somersworth Men Facing Felonies for Unrelated Accidental Discharge of Firearms,” The Union Leader (October 27, 2020).