Adult Death Child Injury (18 and Under) Child Under 18 (as Shooter) Michigan Ongoing Investigation Tennessee


12-year-old Girl Recovering, Retired Fire Captain Killed, in Accidental Shootings

Dennis Noe

Twelve-year-old Mariska Salter, was accidentally shot in the head by a 16-year-old boy with a shot gun, in Kalamazoo, Michigan. She will have a long recovery in the hospital due to her injuries; her older brother is the owner of the gun. The county is considering charges for the 16-year-old of “careless discharge causing injury,” and will determine if charges under the state’s safe storage law is also applicable.

While driving a vehicle in Knoxville, Tennessee, Dennis Noe, a retired fire department captain, was shot and killed in an accidental shooting. Two people were handling a gun in the backseat that unintentionally fired. It appears that no charges will be filed. The fire department’s Facebook post paid tribute to Noe. “His family and friends are in our thoughts and prayers. We thank you for your service and it is our pleasure to have known you.”


Abigail Taylor, “12-year-old Recovering After Kalamazoo Shooting, Charges Being Considered,” (March 7, 2025).2023).

Diamond Carroll, “Victim from Accidental Shooting on I-640 West Identified as Retired KFD Captain, KPD Says,” (March 7, 2025).

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