Adult Arrested Child Injury (18 and Under) Child Under 18 (as Shooter) Missouri North Carolina Ongoing Investigation


Two Gun Accidents Involving Young Children 

In Springfield, Missouri, a four-year-old boy sustained a gunshot wound to his hand after shooting himself with an unsecured gun he found in the home. Calvin Harrell told police that someone must have left the gun there after a party a few days earlier, and admitted he asked a friend to dispose of it after the shooting. Harrell has been charged with unlawful possession of a firearm and two counts of endangering the welfare of a child. 

Also, in Lawndale, North Carolina, a three-year-old found a 22-caliber gun in the home and shot their one-year-old sibling. The infant is expected to make a full recovery. The shooting is under investigation, and officials are still considering filing charges.


“Springfield Man Faces Charges for Shooting That Injured a Child,” (December 5, 2024).

Dalfred Jones, “3-year-old Shoots 1-year-old Sibling on Accident in Cleveland County: What We Know,” (December 4, 2024).

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