Adult Arrested Adult Injury Child Death (18 and Under) Child Injury (18 and Under) Child Under 18 (as Shooter) Children and Guns Maryland Oklahoma Ongoing Investigation Pennsylvania

MONDAY, JULY 1, 2024

Gun Accidents Involving Young Children; Three-Year-Old is Killed

In Columbia, Maryland, a three-year-old was killed with an unsecured handgun in what police say was an accidental shooting. The child was at home with their parents and five-year-old brother. It has not been determined who pulled the trigger, as police continue to investigate.

A three-year-old shot a 33-year-old woman in the back with a loaded handgun that 41-year-old Brian Siegfried left on the front porch of an Easton, Pennsylvania home. The woman is expected to survive. Witnesses say that Siegfried allegedly cocked a gun he was handling, and then left it on the porch and walked away. The three-year-old was one of four children under the age of five who were near the gun. Siegfried was charged with reckless endangerment.

Also a four-year-old was shot by a sibling when the two children found an unsecured gun in a home in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The four-year-old is in critical condition at the hospital. Police are still trying determine the circumstances of the shooting and how the children got the gun.


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