Adult Arrested Adult Injury Child Death (18 and Under) Kentucky Ongoing Investigation Tennessee Virginia

FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 2023

Three Gun Accidents, Including a Fatal Shooting While Middle Schoolers Were Filming a Video with Guns as Props

A 13-year-old seventh grader in Richmond, Virginia was killed inside a local home while filming a video with friends. The children were using guns as props to film the video when one went off. Local authorities are investigating where the children got the guns.

“We have too many damn guns in our community. Guns that are too easily accessible by our children and result in tragedies, like what occurred last night,” Richmond’s Mayor wrote. “If you own a gun, I am begging you, lock it up so that we can prevent unnecessary loss that will be felt for a lifetime.”

A training instructor for the Louisville, Kentucky police department accidentally fired a round which struck a police trainee.  The trainee is in the hospital for treatment. LMPD said that the incident seems to have been an accident, but is “a serious training failure, and it is swiftly being addressed.”  This incident occurred days after the U.S. Department of Justice released an 86-page report on LMPD, in which they highlighted training failures as one of the main problems with police departments practices.

And an armed hospital security guard in Chattanooga, Tennessee accidentally shot a coworker with whom he was horsing around.  Investigators found that the guards often pulled guns on each other as part of their horseplay. The victim is expected to survive.


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