In Baton Rouge, Louisiana, a fiv-year old found a loaded gun in his home and shot his mother in the leg. Police have not said how the child got hold of a gun. The woman’s injuries are not considered life-threatening.
In Detroit, Michigan a 16-year old boy left a loaded gun on his bed where his two-year old brother found it. The younger boy shot himself in the head and arm, but is expected to survive. The 16-year old is charged with one count of “careless discharge of a firearm causing injury.” No adult has been charged.
Tanasia Kenney, “5-year-old Shoots Mom, Sending Her to Hospital, Louisiana Police Say,” The State (April 21, 2022).
Justine Lofton, “Teen Brother Charged in Shooting of 2-year-old Boy,” mLive (April 22, 2022).