Child Injury (18 and Under) Child Under 18 (as Shooter) North Carolina Ongoing Investigation


A nine-year old Clayton, North Carolina boy shot his two-year old sister in the head today.  The girl was taken to the hospital where she is in serious condition.

Police were looking into how the boy found a loaded handgun in his homeUnder North Carolina law, the boy’s parents could face charges if the gun wasn’t properly secured.  

 “Any shooting, anyone of this age, it really hits home for a lot of officers,” the Clayton police chief said. “One second, everyone is having a good time, and the next second, it’s tragedy.”

“North Carolina law requires that adults secure their firearms from children for these exact reasons,” the Chief added.  “That’s what responsible people should do, and had that been done in this case, we probably wouldn’t have the situation we are dealing with,” he said.


Joe Fisher, “Police: Clayton Boy Shot 2-year-old Sister in Head,” (September 25, 2020).

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